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Trends and management

Buhvald, E.M. Zemsky territorial experience and the strategy of development of the Russian local self-government.

Abstract: Taking into consideration the zemsky territorial reforms the article analyzes the results the municipal reform in the Russian Federation, which was started in 2003. The author shows the aims of the reform, which were not achieved, and the ways to overcome the problems within the strategy for the further development of the municipal self-government in the Russian Federation. The author draws attention to the federalization of the municipal reform and strengthening of the economical bases for all of the levels of the municipal administration system. Efficient local self-administration is among the most important institutions of modern society and states, guaranteeing its sustainability, integrity and manageability. 10 years ago the Federal Law N. 131 of the Russian Federation in initiate d a municipal reform, and in the last decade it became an integral part within the general trend of democratization of society and state, modernization of the economy of the state, social sphere, public 􀁊inances, etc. At the same time the reform experience shows that there are still considerable possibilities for strengthening the input of the municipal self-government into the achievement of priorities of social and economic development of the national economy. However, it requires relevant economic, legal and institutional prerequisites, which may be divided into six directions: federalization of the reform, re-institutionalization of the reform, specification of the competence of the municipal self-government, economic reform, socialization of the reform, de-formalization of the reform in the “capital” cities of the Russian Federation.


management, politics, municipal self-government, federal statehood, municipal reform, local budgets, state, economics, taxes, trends.

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