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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Ermoshin G.T. Judiciary and the Judge in the Republic of Estonia

Abstract: This article is the result of an analysis of the legislation on the judiciary and the status of judges in the Republic of Estonia, which is part of the research of the organization of the legislation on the judiciary in the Baltic states that emerged from the former Soviet Union after the collapse of the USSR. The way which these states passed after the separation from the Soviet Union before joining the European Union, was marked by repeated changes of the legislation on the judiciary and the status of judges in the Republic of Estonia. The result of these transformations, presented in this paper, is of undoubted interest to account for it in the formation of modern Russian legislation in this area after the integration of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.


the status of the judge, court, judicial authority, the Estonian Republic, the judge of the Estonian Republic, the Law «About courtes», the judge in resignation, social security of judges, judicial administration, a personnel reserve of judges.

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