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International relations

Belyaev, S.A., Makarova, I.N. Belyaev, S.A., Makarova, I.N.

Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the aspects of the foreign political activity of France – the so-called cultural diplomacy. This sphere of activity concerns cultural exchanges between France and other states, international cooperation of France in the spheres of education, science, French elementary and middle education abroad, cinema, music and information. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the activities of the French Institute and specialized institutions in this sphere, radio- and TVchannels, as well as modern information and telecommunication companies, which facilitate the cultural presence of France abroad. The methodology of studies is based upon the political and legal analysis of the mechanism for the cultural diplomacy of France within the framework of the comparative analysis of the analogous systems of cultural diplomacy in other states. This article is the first among the researches of this type in Russia. Moreover, the foreign legal literature provides no publications on this issue, or these publication of the scientific – popular character. The authors draw a conclusion on the relevance of use of the experience of the French diplomacy in the Russian foreign political mechanisms including the Federal Agency on the CIS Affairs, matters of compatriots living abroad and international humanitarian cooperation.


France, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy, diplomacy, culture, the French Institute, the Russian Cooperation Agency (Rossotrudnichestvo), foreign experience, education, science.

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