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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Zenkevich, A.S. Mediation in Poland and in Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the comparison of legal norms regulating mediation in civil cases in Poland and in Russia. Analysis is focused upon the most significant legal acts. The main goal of comparison is to discuss significant differences between Polish and Russian legal norms on the following issues: goals of the mediation, definition of mediation and mediator, the range of cases involving mediators, principles of mediation, preferable mediation strategy, conditions for acquiring mediator status, types of mediators, divisions competent to initiate mediation, choice of mediator and contents of a mediator contract, mediation offer, mediation agreement, mediation period, conditions of payment for the mediation, compensation of judicial costs, approval and implementation of the contract on conflict regulation via mediation. The article presents the view of the author regarding approval and implementation of the contract on conflict regulation via mediation. It is concluded that use of mediation broadens the scope of freedom of citizens and eases access to justice e. Also this practice improves efficiency of social communication and cultural dialogue. The popular use of mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution complements and eases the workload of the public justice system. Additionally, mediation implements democratic provisions on the existence of various legal norms for conflict resolution and freedom of people in their choice of means of dispute resolution based upon the principle of social individualized justice. In addition to the new legal norms on civil medication in Poland and in Russia the author analyzes the issues of freedom of citizens, justice, implementation of justice, vision of law, state and society, social communication, social conflicts, resolution of such conflicts, application of law, efficiency and boundaries of law The author regards mediation as justice in its first degree. From his standpoint, mediation is a complementary form of justice. It guarantees broad interpretation of justice. In his concept “serving justice or resolution of legal disputes” is not limited to judges and courts. All forms of justice (courts and other basic forms of alternative dispute resolution) complement each other and assist each other in various spheres of their application.


mediation and mediator, alternative methods of dispute resolution, access to justice, complementary form of justice, individualized justice, social communication, interpersonal relations, social relations, cultural dialog, peaceful cooperation.

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