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Administrative and municipal law

Prizhennikova, A.N., Baranov, V.A. Topicality of the administrative judicial procedure institutions of the foreign states for the Russian legislation.

Abstract: Currently administrative justice bodies are undergoing reforms in many states around the world. Each state has its specific administrative justice system, and they have various modifications in accordance with the history and traditions of the state. Having evaluated the legal position of administrative justice in the foreign states and in the former USSR states, one may state that more and more attention is paid to the problem of improving the relations between the private parties and the public administration (state government bodies, municipal bodies and their officials) and the need to introduce efficient mechanisms for the protection of private persons from possible infringements of their rights by the government bodies. Administrative justice is a judicial mechanism for the protection of human rights from abuse by the public administration. That is its value in the rule-of-law state. The institution of administrative justice is aimed to neutralize the legal inequality of the parties in administrative dispute. The authors make a conclusion that studying the experience of functioning of the administrative justice bodies in the foreign states may help the Russian Federation to find out optimum approaches towards forming its own model of administrative justice. Russia needs administrative courts. Administrative cases should be dealt with within an independent administrative process and be regulated by the Administrative Judicial Procedural Code, which would allow to establish methodology and other procedural acts on hearing and resolving cases arising from this type of relations.


administrative justice, administrative claim, administrative judicial proceedings, administrative process, judicial reform, administrative procedures, administrative disputes, specialized courts, administrative cases, public relations.

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