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The union of criminalists and criminologists

V.D. Larichev Problematic Questions of Denial to Open a Criminal Case

Abstract: when opening a criminal case, the violations of the requirements of the law are rather widespread. They are committed both at the stage of receiving a message about a crime (conceal of a crime from recording; denial to take the message under different pretences) and within a preliminary checking of a message about crimes and taking procedural decisions (unsubstantiated denial to open a criminal case; qualifi cation of the criminally punishable acts as administrative minor offences; inadequate taking of procedural decisions). The noted facts lead not only to the distortion of the true state of criminality, its structure and dynamics, but also infl ict damage to the constitutional rights and freedoms, interests of the victims, don’t let the civilians and organizations to press for legal penalty of the guilty and reinstate their violated rights.


denial to open a criminal case, receiving a message about a crime, preliminary checking of messages, opening a criminal case, violation of the requirements of the law

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