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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Sedykh, N. S. The Role of Information and Psychological Impact in the Process of Preparation of Suicide Terrorists

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes peculiarities of information and psychological impact organized by extremists in order to involve young people into terrorist activities and to train them for commitment of the ‘suicide’ terrorist action. In this regard, mass communication tolls are views as a discursive system involved in the process of creating and producing typed meanings. The author also views virtual reality and its role in social construction of the phenomenon of terrorism and in representation of terrorist activists. The author analyzes psychological techniques that are used to overcome the fear of death of those who are preparing for becoming an ‘alive bomb’. The author underlines the need in improvement information and psychological prevention of extremism and terrorism ideologies in a particular social and historical environment. The author describes opportunities of mass communication tools in formation of antiterrorist values in the Russian society and stresses out the question about developing pedagogical journalism aimed at formation of social values and beliefs and influencing personal motives. The author also considers the role of secular and religious systems of education within the framework of the topic about information and psychological impact by extremists and prevention of terrorist and extremist activities.


terrorism, terrorist, society, communication, information and psychological influence, construction, reality, discourse, propaganda, counteraction, prevention.

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