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Financial Law and Management

Boltinova, O.V. On the issue of improvement of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article contains analysis of the issues regarding the further improvement of the budget relations. In spite of the amendments and additions into the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, a number of terms, including budget, budget process, stages of budget process, inter-budgetary transfers, etc. need to be clarified and amended. The article contains analysis of the norms of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, and the norms on budget income in particular. The author evaluates the issue of the importance of regulating budget incomes in addition to “fixed” allocated incomes of the various levels of budgets within the Russian budget system. Regulating incomes are quite important in the conditions of instability of economic development in a particular state and financial crises. The article includes analysis of the norms on the formation of various funds within the expenditure budget, namely the Reserve Fund of the President, reserve funds of executive bodies, municipal bodies, etc. An important role is provided for the procedural norms of the budget law, especially the stages of consideration and approval of the federal budget.


budget, budget process, budget policy, budget income, regulating income, tax income, budgeting, stages, zero reading, procedure.

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