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Actual problems of Russian law

Rossinskaya, E.R., Galyashina, E.I. On the issue of form and contents of expert opinion for anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and their drafts

Abstract: In this article the authors discuss nature of normative legal text, provide the definition of anticorruption expertise of normative legal acts, define object, target, goals and aims of this expertise, as well as forms and contents of expert opinion for anti-corruption expertise through the prism of general theory of judicial expertise as a methodological basis for any expert activity. The authors analyze requirements to competence of experts, structure of an opinion in general and contents of its main constituent parts: introduction, research, synthesis, and conclusions. It is noted that the legislative provisions for typical corruptogenic factors provides for two directions for anti-corruption expert evaluation. These directions are uncovering and providing basis for typical corruptogenic factors as provided for in a general method. Based upon the above-mentioned matters, the authors express their opinion on the means for solving legal, scientific, methodological and organizational problems of anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and legislative drafts.


corruption, corruptogenic factor, method, anti-corruption expertise, normative legal acts, draft of a normative legal act, normative legal text, legal expertise, legal linguistic expertise, expert opinion.

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