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Actual problems of Russian law

Filatova, M.A. Target of crime, as provided for by Art. 174, 1741 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article contains analysis of the term «target of crime» within the context of the «laundering» money and other criminally obtained valuables under Art. 174 and 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation taking into account the new version of the criminal law of 2013. The author evaluates scholarly opinions and judicial practice as to interpretation of this term. She studies the term «property» in its correlation with its meaning in civil law, as well as other civil rights objects, as objects of «laundering». The author also analyzes various points of view as to the amendments into the legislatively provided «laundering» target definition, taking into account international provisions and foreign scholarly writings. The author offers to regard target of this crime as property, works, services, and copyright. However, due to the complicated legal construction of these articles, it is preferable to include into them the reference to «proprietary values» and add a commentary to Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


laundering, legalization, target of crime, property, proprietary values, copyright, petty daily transactions, works (services), monetary funds, securities.

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