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Actual problems of Russian law

Naumov, M.V. Conditions, motives and grounds for detention of a crime suspect

Abstract: The author studies the process of conditions, motives and bases for the detention of the crime suspect. Much attention is paid to the issue of the use of the information gained through the operative Investigation activities, as the basis for the detention of the suspect criminal. The author of the article considers that an investigator, the inquirer, the inquiring body, who gained such sources of Information, have a right to view this information as «other data», as provided for p. 2 of Art. 91 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. And if there are some additional conditions under this article, the detention may be lawful only when obligatory requirements are followed.


jurisprudence, detention, suspect, conditions, motives, conditions, bases, operative investigation events, other data, factual data, sources of information.

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