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History magazine - researches

V.V. Tihonov The historian N.E. Gorodetskiy and the campaign against “the bastard cosmopolitism”

Abstract: by the example of E.N. Gorodetskiy, a famous historian, the article explores the methods of the ideological campaign against the “bastard cosmopolites”. The author follows the immediate course of the anti-cosmopolite campaign (research in various research and training centers, as well as the criticism of the “Mintsin-Razgon-Gorodetskiy” group), basing his research on a broad variety of sources, many of which freshly rediscovered. As a result, the author concludes that this campaign has affected the native historical sciences and played a role in changing the ideological outlook of a part of the intellectual elite towards more anti-Stalin views.


history, ideological campaigns, stalinism, cosmopolitism, soviet history science, E.N. Gorodetskiy, I.I. Mints, A.L. Sidorov, ideology, MSU.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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