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Actual problems of Russian law

Zaretskaya Daria Sergeevna Electronic government: definition and perspectives of development

Abstract: This article includes analysis of the positions of various authors towards the definition of «electronic government». The author views the legislative basis, which regulates the development of information and communication technologies, as well as the formation of the electronic government of Russia. Taking into account the analysis of the normative legal basis, the author stresses the need to introduce and develop the electronic government technologies. Having studies scientific and normative sources in the sphere of development of electronic government, information and communication technologies, one may come to a conclusion that Russia has passed the first stage of introduction of information society technologies into the sphere of functioning of government structures and formation of the electronic government. However, for the further development of the electronic government, there is still need to form the adequate legislative basis for the functioning of electronic government, to introduce the new Federal Law on electronic government, to develop and organize new forms of cooperation between the state, the people and the entrepreneurs of small and medium-scale businesses in the sphere of egovernment projects. They may be very efficient and facilitate the process of formation of the electronic government in Russia. There Is also need for the further detailed regulation of the mechanism of implementation of electronic government via the amendments to the current legislation in the sphere of electronic government.


jurisprudence, government, Internet, state, services, citizens, information, technologies, law, program.

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