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History magazine - researches

Vanin V.A., Slezin A.A. The tendency to romanticize the ideological and educational work of Komsomol in the mid-1950s

Abstract: the article is devoted to the characteristic features of ideological and educational activities of the Komsomol in the mid-1950s. Much attention is paid to the controversial effects of the romanticizing. Authors agree with the opinion of Uhl K. on the youth of the “thaw” period as a connective link between the “heroic past” and the “bright future”. The appeal to the patriotic feelings of the youth helped to mobilize them for creative activities. Authors show that the incoherent criticism of the cult of personality of Stalin I.V. coexisted with the increasing of the cult of personality of Lenin V.I., brought up to celebrate the legendary past and to inspire people to build communism.


history, youth, Komsomol, method of romanticizing, Stalin I.V., Lenin V.I., cult, morality, traditions, political education.

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