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National Security

Kushtakova, A.A. Specifi c features of state construction in the Republic of Dagestan.

Abstract: The modern social and political situation in the Republic of Dagestan represents a sharp contrast between the superfi cial stabilization of the situation in the region and the great social, economic, inter-ethnical, historical and political contradictions, as well as with the fi ght for power, infl uence and economic resources among the clans. The inner fi ght takes place outside the scope of public policy, while a number of confl ict factors remain in the background, and these factors need all-inclusive political analysis. The theoretical analysis of peculiarity of state construction is very topical due to the presence of the sources for the possible claims of the ethnical groups towards each other, or towards the state, the non-compromising forms of confl ict among its participants, and inner contradictions in the social movements, which used to enshrine unity and stability.


political science, Dagestan, republic, power, Constitution, reform, state, President, body, functioning.

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