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History magazine - researches

Tyulenev V.M. Redemption of captives in the context of the establishment of the Christian community in Western Europe in V – early VI century

Abstract: the question of redemption of captives in Early Middle Ages is viewed in this article in connection with the forming of a new ideology of war and a new attitude to the man in the era of Christianity, as well as in connection with the formation of new practices. The redemption of captives is seen as a part of charitable activity of bishops, as well as the consolidation of political power of the barbarian kings. The article covers both ideological aspect of redemption of captives (the preaching of releasing from captivity, redemption of captives as a part of the image of the ideal bishop) and social and historical aspect (approval of the bishops regional patronage, participation of the secular power in the charitable activities of the Church). The main attention is given to the activities of Epiphanius Titsinsky and Caesarius of Arles.


history, Early Middle Ages, history of Western Church, hagiography, the episcopate, the redemption of captives, patronage, charitable activity, Epiphanius Titsinsky, Caesarius of Arles.

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