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National Security

Sidorov, S.A. Concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of international and national security of Russia.

Abstract: In this article the author views the key directions of the concept of national security of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of international and national security of Russia, then comes to a conclusion that in the new reality of the internatioanl relations the relations between Russia and China should be neither oversimplifi ed nor idealized. They can cause rather dangerous confl icts, especially in the perspective. Currently the border issues between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are mainly solved, the relations between two states are rather stable, and based on all of the exising evaluations the key vector of the military and political efforts of China in the near future shall not be directed at Russia.


political science, national security, concept, People’s Republic of China, Russia, partnership, cooperation, multi-vector diplomacy, priorities

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