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Philosophy and Culture

Glukhov, A. A. Plato and His Political Idea (Platonism of Neo-Kantian Philosophers and Heidegger’s Anti-Platonism)

Abstract: The article analyzes Neo-Kantian interpretation of Plato’s works (most of all, in, Natorp’s book ‘Plato’s Theory of Ideas’) and its influence on Heidegger’s philosophy. Neo-Kantian philosophers gave Plato special credit for invention of the ‘logical’, but their interpretation of Plato’s texts demonstrates their ignorance of political contents of Plato’s dialogues. Despite the deep interest for ‘politics’ during his epoch, Heidegger could take Neo-Kantian image of Plato at his own evaluation and base on such an image in his own philosophy because it was a perfect variant to realize Nietzsche’s plan of ‘overcoming the platonism’. At the same time, Heidegger’s own views are, in fact, very similar to the elements of Plato’s philosophy ignored by Non-Kantian philosophers. A typical example here is his interpretation of the ‘idea about the good’ as an insight revealed to very few ‘free minds and genius artists.


philosophy, Plato, Heidegger, Natorp, Platonism, Neo-Kantianism, politics, idea, transcendentalism, sovereignty.

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