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International Law and International Organizations

Semenikhina, V.A. The renewable energy in Europe: goals and perspectives.

Abstract: The article is based on the material s of the “ee11” ñonference, which is devoted to the development of renewable energy in Europe, and which took place on October 19-20, 2011 in Berin. The author studies the measures, which are taken in the EU in order to stimulate the development of energy from renewable sources, as well as the arising problems of legal, economic and technical character. Much of these materials are related to the implementation of programs on development of renewable energy and reform of the energy sector in Germany. The article may be of interest to the specialists in the sphere of energy and environmental law, people working in the power industry.


international law, the European law, the EU, renewable power industry, renewable sources of energy, the emission, slimate protection, energy supply, energy efficiency, electric networks

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