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Politics and Society

Isachenko N.N. The phenomenon of social destruction

Abstract: The subject of this research is the concept of social destruction viewed in the sociocultural aspect. During the course of this research, the author reveals the essence of social destruction and autodestruction, analyzes its forms, as well as determines the peculiarities of its manifestation in modern Russian society. Particular attention is given to the non-sexual necrophilia as the desire towards the destruction of everything living, which today’s society becomes one of the ways of self-realization and resolution of controversies. It is defined that destructive activity increases during the crisis periods, when the society loses government control, life-purpose guidelines, and sense of unity. The author provides an original understanding of destruction and determines the sources of its formation. Sociocultural approach allowed determining the essence of the problem of phenomenon of social destruction in modern society, as well as clarify the connection between the sustainable and variable in personality, culture, and society. The scientific novelty consists in revelation of the new form of destructions inherent to the modern society, such as cyber addiction, gambling, mobbing, and trolling. The conclusion is made that destruction attains new forms and scales, begins threaten the existence of human, society and Russian integrity, and thus, the solution of this issue requires efforts of all members of the society.


Biophilia, Transformation processes, Necrophilia, Malignant aggression, Immanence of the destructive beginning, Quasi-demands, Autodestruction, Destructive actions, Aggression, Social destruction

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