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Politics and Society

Golubushina L.G. Doctrinal approaches to definition of the “highly-qualified specialist” concept

Abstract: Being source of human capital and the welfare of the country, highly-qualified specialists are of major importance in the context of globalized world. The article is dedicated to the various approaches with regard to definition of "highly-qualified specialist" both in foreign and in Russian literature. It focuses on the fact that in the modern scientific knowledgeis focused that in today's scientific knowledge there is no unity of views on the substantive content of the concept of "highly qualified specialist". The absence of this unity creates problems on theoretical and practical levels. Preparing this article a series of general scientific methods of knowledge were used. Such as comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, abstraction, modeling. The result of the study is to summarize the criteria used in the doctrine for the definition of "highly-qualified specialist". In conclusion the author gives the original definition of the term "highly-qualified specialist": it is a person with a higher professional education, skills, experience, and (or) other special qualification requirements, which may be applied to them in the hiring process.


level of income, skills, experience, level of education, doctrine, classification, approaches, definition, highly-qualified specialist, qualification

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