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Politics and Society

Kolomeytseva N.A. Investment potential of the Far East as a driver of political-economic cooperation of Russia with the Pacific Rim countries

Abstract: The object of this research is activation of the Asia-Pacific political vector of Russia. Within the framework of this topic the author notes that the crisis irrupted in the system of international relations, caused by a so-called “Ukrainian crisis”, encouraged the accelerated development of the Russian Far East for the purpose of its integration into the Pacific Rim. Special attention is given to the investment opportunities of the Far East in the context of collaboration with the countries of Asia-Pacific region. The author carefully examines the economic, political, and social factors that define the current development of the Far Eastern Federal District. The article presents a complex analysis of the factors affecting the characteristics of Russia’s integration into the Asia-Pacific region. The author underlines the institutional and economic potential of Primorsky Krai as a prerequisite for the establishment of transboundary zone in the south of the Russian Far East, which in the future should result in the increase in business contacts in the Far Eastern region.   


Economic development, Transboundary region, Transboundary cooperation, Foreign policy, Regional policy, Federal policy, Investments, Primorsky Krai, Far East, Pacific Rim

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