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Politics and Society

Yanik A.A., Popova S.M. The improvement of scientific policy for the purpose of social development: the experience of Poland (2010-2015)

Abstract: This article presents the results of analysis of the modern scientific policy of Poland, which is one of the key instruments of the development strategy implementation on the innovational basis. Poland’s experience attracts Russian scholars not just because of the presence of similar features in the national systems of organization of science, but also because the contours of the Russian scientific reform in many ways resemble the Polish model, started in 2010. Special attention is given to the examination of the mechanism of development and realization of Poland’s scientific policy, as well to the assessment of the interval results of the Polish radical scientific reform (2010-2015). The authors make a conclusion that the radical scientific reform in Poland did not lead to significant changes in indexes of the innovational development of the country, which remain some of the lowest in the EU, and the possibility of meeting the planned by 2020 volumes of scientific budget (1.7% from GDP) is justifiably questionable. Despite the active absorption of general European recommendations, Poland’s scientific policy in fact develops by trial and error.  The scientific reform has not yet become an organic part of the complex development policy; and a successful utilization of financial support from the EU funds did not produce synergetic effects, which contribute into the establishment of a sustainable scientific-innovation ecosystem.


Scientific policy, Social progress, Development strategy, Innovations, Innovation economics, Research and development, Research infrastructure, Science, European Union, Poland

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