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Politics and Society

Papush A.A. The role of political positioning under the circumstances of development the network “Internet”

Abstract: This article reviews the political positioning as one of the most important technologies of the political marketing applied within the political communication. The author examines the new technical opportunities for the political positioning that exposed with the expansion of the Internet, which became the instrument of virtualization of the personal, public, cultural, and economic space of the human life. This work analyzes the current mediatization of politics and defines the role of the political positioning within the network “Internet” in formation and advancement of the political symbolism. The goal of this research is the analysis of implementation of the concept of positioning in politics and its impact upon the establishment of the binary models of democracy. The author concludes  that the development of Internet and the associated with it technologies, such as political positioning, is able to replace politics with its computer emulations. The network contributes into the formation and the effective control over the conceptual environment, but simultaneously affects the choice of the line of behavior of the objects of influence.


politicheskoe pozitsionirovanie, simvolicheskaya politika, imidzhmeiking, Internet, politicheskii marketing, mediapolitika, politicheskie tekhnologii, politicheskaya kommunikatsiya, mediatizatsiya politiki, demokratiya

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