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Politics and Society

Derkach M.A. Integration of the populist parties into the political system: experience of the Western European countries

Abstract: The subject of this research is the modern experience of a number of Western European countries on integration of populist parties into the national political systems. The article thoroughly examines the experience of the states, in which populist parties have comprised a part of their ruling coalitions during the XXI century (Austria, Netherlands in 2002, Norway and Finland) or cooperated with the executive power, while formally remaining outside (Denmark, Netherlands 2010-2012), as well as those where the populist parties are subjected to obstruction from the political establishment (Sweden). The author come to the conclusion that success of the integration of populist party into the political system is only possible if the interest is shown from both parties involved into the process - populists and the establishment. The author's contribution into this topic was also conclusion that presence of the populist party in the executive power negatively reflects on its electoral popularity.


Party for Freedom, Freedom Party of Austria, anti-immigrant parties, radical right parties, populist parties, populism, Progress Party, True Finns, Sweden Democrats

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