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Politics and Society

Pacheko De Khesus Kh., Makarova E.P., Arel'yano Martines Y. Motivational Mechanisms of Human Resource Management

Abstract: The subject of the research in the present article are motivational tools and mechanisms of human resource management that contribute to the stimulation and increase of labour motivation. The relevance of the study is justified by the fact that the present state of the systems of workers’ motivation stimulation currently used in Russia is aimed at the satisfaction of the instantaneous needs of employees. That is why it seems necessary to disclose the opportunities to reach the balance of the interests of employers and employees, which requires introduction of a combined model of corporate management into Russian companies. Under such circumstances it it expedient to elaborate a motivational mechanism of involvement of the staff into corporate property. To solve this task the article used the methods of generalisation and systematisation, as well as the methods of structural and comparative analysis, classification of existing theoretical trends. The conducted research allowed to propose the author's approach to the improvement of the staff motivation system, which characterises a motivation system that implies not only the growth of the employees' interest in labour and own earnings, but also the stimulation of their interest in the general development of the company. From the authors' point of view, if such method is implemented, the employees will be most motivated to develop and increase the profit of the company, since this development will bring the increase of their own prosperity.


organisation development, mechanisms, innovation, performance, efficiency, human resource management, motivation, growth of profits, prosperity

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