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Politics and Society

Lakomova A.A., Khusyainov T.M. The Impact of Migration on the Regional Labour Market (as exemplified by the Nizhny Novgorod region)

Abstract: The subject of the research in this article are the factors that influence both the migration process and the market of labour resources in the Nizhny Novgorod region and in Russia as a whole. In this paper, the authors focus on the causes of internal and external migration of young professionals in the Russian labour market. In addition, the researchers identify the factors that motivate future professionals to work in the commercial sphere, as well as the factors that prevent the young adults from doing their profession in the public sector institutions. Also, the authors carried out a statistical overview of the salaries in the fields of health, culture, education and social protection. Official statistics of the Federal Migration Service and the Federal State Statistics Service of the Nizhny Novgorod region were used as research methods in this article; analysis of the sociological and socio-economic scientific literature was conducted too. This article presents a theoretical analysis of the factors and some features of migratory streams to the Russian Federation and in particular to the Nizhny Novgorod region. The analysis of topics in this scientific work is conducted in two directions. The first direction is the internal immigration of the Nizhny Novgorod citizens to more socioeconomically attractive regions of Russia and foreign countries. The second trend involves the study of migratory streams to the Nizhny Novgorod region from Central Asia, North and South Caucasus.


labour, labour migrants, labour market, migratory streams, migration balance, foreign workers, salary, work, regional labour market, migrant

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