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Politics and Society

Korneeva T.G. Justification of the Concept of Imamah in Nasir Khusraw's Philosophy

Abstract: In contemporary world, more and more conflicts occur because of the differences between various Muslim sects. The author sees the cause of misunderstanding between the Western culture and the Arab-Muslim culture in the fact that in the basis of the two cultures there are different ways of understanding reality. To understand the events that take place in the Muslim world today, one should refer to the philosophers of the past, who in their works described the classical models of political structure of the Muslim society. The Ismailis of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region of Tajikistan highly appreciate and honour the outstanding Ismailian philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1074). In the present article the author analyses the development of the concept of Imamah in the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The analysis is based on the two treatises by the Ismailian philosopher: "Zad al-musafirin" ("Travellers' supplies") and "Disclosure and liberation" ("Gushaesh Islands rahaesh") in Persian. The author concludes that the concept of Imamah strongly influenced the philosophy of Nasir Khusraw. The concept of Imamah was developed both in epistemology and in eschatology of the Ismailian philosopher. Nasir Khusraw argued the need for the Imamah not only on a personal, individual level, but also on the level of the whole universe.


Imam of the time, history of mankind, conceptual theory, West and East, Arab-Muslim culture, concept of Imamah, Nasir Khusraw, Ismailism, Ismailian hierarchy, Fatimid Caliphate

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