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Politics and Society

Karpova E.V. Symbolic Images of Legal Space Perception

Abstract: The cognition of law is an act of space perception. As a result of cognitive activity appears the image of space.  The cognition of the legal layer of existence creates a specific spatial image that at the same time has something in common with the images of space created by other forms of cognitive activity - mythology and religion.  In this connection we are interested in specific epistemological features and symbolic forms of an image of legal space perception, the elements of its structure, the diversity of images depending on the prevailing method of thinking of the legal system, method of legal regulation, means of representation. Universal - philosophical (epistemological analysis). General scientific - logical methods (induction, deduction, analogies, comparison). Special legal - method of comparative legal studies. The novelty of the study lies in the attempt to generalise and apply the graphical principles of art and the universal mandala symbol to the legal matter. The article formulates the notion of the general symbolic cognitive image of legal space perception and lists its elements. It also classifies the images of legal space perception based on different reasons.


mandala, space, image, legal perception, sphere, rhizome, world tree, coordinate system, method of thinking, legal system

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