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Politics and Society

Danilov A.P. Legal Foundations of Russian Arctic Policy

Abstract: The subject of the research are the fundamental documents of the Russian Federation, which define the policy of the country in the Arctic. The author of the article reviews and analyses the Russian state policy in the Extreme North, which is fixed in several state documents. Beside state documents, the author also brings up speeches of state leaders regarding the development of the northern regions of the country. Apart from the state documents, the author also cites the expert opinions about Russian Arctic state policy declared in the last years. During the research of the legal foundations of the Russian Arctic policy the author has applied qualitative analysis of documents, regulatory acts and speeches of the political leaders.The main conclusion of the research is that the Russian Federation has elaborated a significant legal base, which defines the state policy in the Arctic region. The Russian Federation, along with other Arctic states, currently pays more attention towards the Arctic region than before. This demonstrates the relevance of the topic of the development and exploration of the Arctic region in the international political agenda.


national security, development, priority, strategy, Arctic policy, law, Russia, Arctic, resource potential, cooperation

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