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Politics and Society

Nemtsev I.A. The Sustainable Development Strategy as an Integrating Core of the Eurasian Union

Abstract: In his article Nemtsev views the development of the consumer society in the post-soviet territories as a result of the influence of Western ideology of ‘overconsumption’. The author criticizes such ideology and the associated type of society. He examines other ideological concepts that could form the basis of Russian ideology (besides sustainable development) and concludes that they would have no prospects. The author also concludes that without ideology Russia would also fail as a state. The research subject of the article is the sustainable development as a common ideology of the Eurasian Union of Russia, Belorussia and Kazakhstan. Methodological basis of the research involves social and philosophical methods and principles. The aforesaid issues are studied on the basis of provisions and conclusions on the matter made by modern Russian and foreign researchers, authors and philosophers. Moreover, Nemtsev has used findings of sociological and statistical researches. He suggests that the paradigm of sustainable development should be the ‘core’ of the ideology of the Russian Federation and future Eurasian Union. He proves that it is important to develop such an ideology and describes the ideological concept. According to Nemtsev, the Sustainable Development Code should be introduced to implement the sustainable development strategies of the Eurasian Union. The author emphasizes on the implementation of the idea of sustainable development in the sphere of education to provide for the evolutionary transition of the society to a ‘sustainable’ lifestyle. Sustainable development is viewed as a system of better principles of the noospheric concept, socialism, Euriasianism and modern theories of the moneyless economy. Nemtsev also discusses the stages of establishing the sustainable development concept as a future state ideology. 


consumer society, global processes, globalization, national idea, Eurasian Union, ideology, sustainable development, integration of post-soviet territories, geopolitics, custom union

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