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Politics and Society

Cherezova A.S. The Bologna Process: Prospects of the Russian Educational Sector in the Common Space of Higher Education

Abstract: The research object of the present article is the educational sector in Russia in the context of the formation of a common space of higher education. The research subject is the process of reformation of the educational sector and the development of Russian higher education in the context of the Bologna process. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of promising directions in the development of the modern higher education sphere, the problems arising in the framework of the formation and development of a comprehensive education sector and the main priorities of state activities in the modern transformation of the education sector, the latter being the main indicator of the level of development of modern economy and competitive ability with respect to the international community. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the main sources that characterize the current situation of the educational sector and involves the analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of the sources on key priorities of state development of the educational sector in the context of a common space of higher education. The main contribution of the author's research is the allocation of the main perspective directions for the development, reformation and  analysis of a common space of higher education within the framework of the priorities of the educational sector considering the current state of labor market issues and priorities of the knowledge-based economy and socio-economic development of the country.


priority directions, the education sector, education reform, innovations in education, knowledge economy, labor market, higher education, The Bologna process, modernization, socio-economic development

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