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Politics and Society

Erokhin, I.Yu. Cossack Liberties as a Sign of Ethnicity of Cossacks

Abstract: The subject of the study is the Cossacks as a category of ethno-social representations based on the philosophy of freedom of expressions. The authors of the article show the need to integrate the historical experience of Cossack associations into modern society. At all times Cossack communities had the two forms: social (military servicers) and ethnic (natural Cossacks). The aim of the research is to describe the situation that on the basis of socio-natural character of the duality of the Cossacks formed controversial history of the Cossacks. Research methodology involves comparative historical analysis, synthesis of monographic studies, polemical analogy to interpretation of generally accepted concepts. The result of the research article is that the author views the principles of Cossack liberties to be the basis of ethnic ideology of the Cossack communities as opposed to the state (Imperial) doctrine of the nature of the Cossack mentality and views. Ways of integrating traditional Cossack way of life in the socially dynamic environment are shown. Further researches can be used to understand the role of the Cossacks in the development of the Russian state. Many historians directly and openly say that in the XV–XVI centuries and up to the middle of the XVII century, Cossack ethnicity was perceived as a foreign element, harmful and dangerous. Conclusion. The paradigm of Russian Cossacks as Russian ethnic subgroup is based on the recognition of historical facts forming the Cossacks out of heterogeneous nations while maintaining its Slavic, or Great Russian anthropological dominant and grounds. Along with the general Great Russian dominating features, Cossack social community also had other specific differences in culture, psychology and lifestyle of military services.


Cossacks, history, ethnicity, Russia, the State, tradition, law, culture, consciousness, worldview.

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