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Politics and Society

Nikolenko, A. A. A Brief Review of Religion in the Process of Transformation as an Institution of Socialization at a Modern Stage

Abstract: The author of the article views religion as an institution of socialization. In particular, Nikolenko studies retrospective transformation of the role of Russian Orthodox Church in the life of government at the present stage. The author defines the share of religious people and those who follow Orthodox canons in the Russian Federation. This is a topical issue due to the growing popularity of discussion on traditional values and the role of religion in the life of modern Russian society as well as increasing interest towards religious practices over the past decades. To better understand the process of socialization based on traditional, i. e. religious spiritual practices in modern Russia, associated concepts and the role of church institution in modern Russia, the author has applied the following methods: abstraction and historical analysis. According to the author, being a traditional social institution church will continue to participate in social life as an independent organization but not as a branch of the country’s political system. When a government tries to impose spiritual practices, it usually evokes the opposite reaction, i. e. people start to reject it. If a church merges with the administrative system instead of keeping a distance from it, the main function of church as a social institution, i. e. development of the spiritual potential and observance of moral standards, is lost. Based on the author, today it is very important that the church puts more effort towards encouraging charity and support of people in crisis situations. This would take the church to a new level as a social institution and be a harmonic contribution to the dogmatic teaching and traditional meaning. People will never trust Church or perceive Church as a support or defender if they take it as a part of the political system.


religion, Russian Federation, Russian Orthodox Church, socialization, social institution, society, traditional values, need for development, dogmatic teachings.

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