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Politics and Society

Sulakhin, S. S. The System of Morals of the Russian Society and Factors of Infl uence on It (Internet and TV Broadcast)

Abstract: The subject under research is the system of morals as a base characteristic of the society infl uencing the spiritual safety of the county and demographic processes. This characteristic is closely connected with the choice between values and anti-values. Attitudes to such values as labor, soul (spirituality), collectivism, non-material values, love (family and children), innovations, altruism, tolerance, human life, compassion, creativity and commitment to excellence defi ne the spirits of the Russian society. Morals, mental and psychological health are sociologically measured and analyzed based on the results of both surveys and the analysis of the infl uence of the Internet and TV on the system of morals of the Russian society. The research is based on sociological research methods such as surveys offered to the population, questionnaires fi lled in by the academic expert community and statistical methods, content and event analysis of the infl uence of TV and the Internet on the morals of the Russian society. The researcher measures the level of morality of the Russian society. The results of the research allow to describe the dynamics and directions of the system of morals in Russia as well as evolution of the level of commitment to the basic values. The article also contains the results of analyzing the infl uence of the Internet and TV on population that are, being beyond the control of the state government, forms anti-values of the Russian society.


Morals, TV broadcast, Internet, values, state institution, labor, family, culture, value navigators, mass media.

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