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Politics and Society

Kaimak, E. V. Legal Basis of Struggle Against Organized Drug-Related Crime in Conjunction with the System of Social Relations

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal grounds of struggle against organized crime in the sphere of illegal drug traffi cking in drug dens. Many researchers have dedicated their work to studying organized forms of crime as a negative social phenomenon and associated response measures in general. However, organized criminal activity related to creation or maintenance of drug dens as a system element of social relations with internal and external communications has not been studied in a form of a monograph before. The subject under review is the functioning mechanisms of organized groups and criminal communities (associations) that are related to creation or maintenance of drug dens, criminal activity performed by such organizations and their participants, internal and external interactions arising in the course of such criminal activity and changes thereto under the infl uence of different response measures. The study of the legal nature of phenomena related to creation or maintenance of drug dens as well as particular gaps in applicable legislation and problems of law enforcement practice appears to be important to further struggle against this negative social phenomenon. The object of research is the organized groups, organized communities (criminal associations) that are related to creation or maintenance of drug dens and teir activity. Based on the results of the research, the author defi nes directions for improving the struggle against organized drug-related crime including undertaking certain measures at the legislative level.


society, organized crime, drug den, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, violation, criminality, violation of law, drug traffi cking, law enforcement authorities.

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