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Politics and Society

Popova, A. V. The Model of Cross-Cultural Competence of a Teacher at Educational Institution

Abstract: By analyzing psychological and pedagogical literature on professional identity of teachers and special features of their teaching activities in the modern cross-cultural conditions of Russia, the author of the article defi nes the main contradictions between the current training of teachers and particular teaching activities. These contradictions show themselves in situations of cross-cultural interaction between actors of teaching activities when the national identity and professional identity encounter. In order to prevent errors in situations of cross-cultural interaction, it is necessary to create teachers’ cross-cultural competence at the earliest state of their training. Such cross-cultural competence is the element of the general competence in communication with the representatives of other cultures. The author of the article presents the model of cross-cultural competence of a teacher at educational institution. The model is based on the structuration theory offered by Anthony Giddens. The author believes that the competence building approach to formation of the teacher’s identity and cross-cultural competence will contribute to a teacher’s success in today’s cross-cultural environment, prepare him for any changes of the environment and allow him to change his teaching activity in accordance with changed conditions.


professional activities, professional identity, competency building approach, cross-cultural competence, model, reaction, cross-cultural skills, ethnic tolerance, cross-cultural interaction, cross-cultural situation.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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