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Politics and Society

Volkov, M. S. Ruling Elite of Spain During the Years of Democracy Consolidation

Abstract: The article is devoted to studying social characteristics of Spain ruling elite at late 1970’s – 1990’s when the Spain socialistic workers’ party was governing. Spanish researchers describe those times as the period of democracy consolidation. Based on massive biography data, the author analyzes members of Spanish ruling elite according to the main social characteristics such as place of birth, age, education and career. The author of the article makes an attempt to defi ne how radical social and political transformations were after the failure of Francisco Franco’s government and how it infl uenced the process of renewal of the ruling elite of Spain. The author of the article also views the policy undertaken by socialists in relation to state government and army leadership of the country. The author also describes the role of the new ruling elite, their competence and effi ciency.


elite, Spain, social characteristics, democracy, socialists, Cortes, ministers, state government, general offi - cers, Integrated Standby Instrument Systems.

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