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Politics and Society

Konopleva, T.V. Information agenda of federal executive bodies based upon an example of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author evaluates the process and specific features of the formation of the information agenda, as well as dependency of the information agenda from the political agenda and socially important events, the role of traditional and new mass media in this process. The author analyzes the information agenda of the federal executive body – the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. As a results of the theoretical analysis, the author draws the conclusion on the limitations to the attention of the audience. This study supports the position that at the time of overflow of information and attention deficit of its recipients, a communicator needs to have the story-making skills and production technologies, which would gain attention of the audience and use social values in order to transform the existing positions in the society. The author analyzes the novel forms of interaction of the government bodies and the civil society, taking the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation as an example. It is pointed out that when forming new information channels, one should take into account the interests of the recipients of that particular information channel. The article contains propositions to the public relations divisions of the federal executive bodies. The conclusions of this study may be used for the further analysis of the dialogue forms of interaction between the state government bodies and the society, as well as for the formation of the information agenda of a political subject.


publisher’s filter, media summons, information agenda for the day, political agenda for the day, establishing agenda, new media, mass media, attention economics, civil society, openness concept.

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