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Politics and Society

A.A. Yarlikapov Polyethnic Dagestan: Unity in diversity

Abstract: Ethnic identity plays a very important role in Dagestan. Today, a common, or shared Dagestan identity is developing, however, for an average Dagestani, their personal ethnic group identification has significant importance. Land issues and issues of inter-Islamic dialogue are also prominent. Highlander migration to the plains has transferred land disputes into interethnic relations plane. The unclear legal status of lands of the plains also tends to draw republic authorities into conflict, which results in their reputation as supporters of immigrants. The situation is further complicated by frictions between two main religious currents: Sufism and the Salafi movement. Another big problem is the radicalization of Islamic youth, who often voice their protests in a religious form. Many of the modern problems of the republic of Dagestan manifest as ethnic tensions.


Political science, Dagestan, identity, ethnos, conflict, Sufism, Salafism, dialogue, Islam, youth

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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