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Politics and Society

Emelianov, A. S. Administrative Law Doctrine, Liberalism Ideas and Development of a State Institution in Russia

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of administrative law doctrine, how liberalism ideas influence the process of formation of this doctrine and description of peculiarities of a Russian state institution. Based on the constitutional provisions, administrative law provisions, practice in application of these provisions and achievements of administrative law science, the author defines the contents of administrative law doctrine and the role of civil society ideas in this doctrine. The author also takes into account particular circumstances contributing to or preventing from engaging a civil society into state management. The author also provides a general overview of historical events related to development of a state institution and civil society in our country. The author analyzes administrative law institutions which development requires them to be included in state management of civil society institutions as well.


law studies, legal doctrine, administrative law doctrine, factors influencing the formation of administrative law doctrine, state management mechanism, civil society, institutions of civil society, state institution, liberalism ideas, development of a state institution.

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