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Politics and Society

Polyushkevich, O. A., Antonova, L. L. Intelligentsia in Russia: Conditions of Transformation

Abstract: The article describes the interpretation of intelligentsia in Russia and abroad and shows forms and conditions of transformation of intelligentsia in a modern society. The role of intelligentsia is described from the point of view of socio-cultural changes and evolution of socio-historical forms of social development. The general condition of all social transformations is human as a creator. In its turn, intelligentsia is a concentrated group of people who directly influence the development of culture, history and society in general. This is why humanism is the main point in interpretation, development and transformation of intelligentsia as a socio-cultural phenomena. As a result of the study, the author shares his views of transformation of socio-cultural values in modern Russia. According to the author, these transformations caused changes in the role, status, place, conditions and forms of development of intelligentsia nowadays. The results of the study create the basis for social forecasts of consolidation and disintegration social processes and define the areas of problems and social tension.


philosophy, intelligentsia, culture, society, transformation, spirit, strategy, socio-cultural prerequisites, development, history.

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