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Politics and Society

Schedrina, Yu. V. Independence of Judges at Special (Estate) Courts in Russia During the 60th – 80th of XX Century: Problems of Legal Regulation (Based on the Example of Spiritual Courts)

Abstract: The article is focused on legal regulation of guarantees of independence of judges at Russia’s spiritual courts during the Þ rst decades after the reform. The author studies the process of developing the Draft Main Provisions of Transformation of Spiritual Courts enforcing the main guarantees of independence of judges at spiritual courts. It is concluded that conservatism of Russian Orthodox Church caused certain obstacles for far-reaching reforms of a spiritual court. This is why the principle of independence of spiritual judges was not enforced until the Revolution of 1917 despite all minor reforms ongoing back in those times.


judicial reform, independency of judges, irremovability of judges, judicial statutes, archiereus, consistory, Synodus.

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