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Politics and Society

Sipok, R. P. Interpretation of the Nature of Active Anti- Criminal Attitudes Among Population in a Modern State Institution

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to discover and study drivers of anti-criminal attitudes among population. The topic being analyzed in the present article involves motives of proper behavior in a social environment as well as ways of inß uence on citizens’ legal consciousness suing mass media in order to form anti-criminal attitudes in a social environment. The results of the research can be used for further scientific researches in the sphere of studies of law. At the end of the article the author concludes that the issue of legal culture still remains very topical. The author’s research demonstrates a quite stable hierarchy of values involving the human rights. However, as the statistics show, in a modern world there is a large gap between importance of socio-economic rights and political rights for the population. The author of the article also makes a conclusion that under modern conditions it is practically impossible to form the anti-criminal attitudes among population if the mass media workers are not competent in the field of law since these workers have a significant inß uence on legal culture in any country.


studies of law, crime, security, protection, society, behavior, legal consciousness, state institution, punishment, inß uence.

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