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Politics and Society

Kashapov, T., Fabiankova, K. Trade and Economic Relations between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union (Russia) in the Period of 1990-1992

Abstract: The Soviet-Czechoslovak relations were an important part of foreign politic and economic strategy of the Soviet Union. The breakdown of the Eastern bloc marked the end of the active cooperation of two countries. This article is aimed at the analysis of the state of bilateral trade and scientifi c-technological cooperation, the reasons of signifi cant reduction of mutual economic relations in the period of 1990-1992 and its consequences for both sides. Besides, the authors’ goal was to inform Russian reader about the recent chapter in the history of the relations of the Soviet Union and CSFR, to evaluate the importance of bilateral cooperation for two countries and make generalization of contemporary Russian, Czech and English language material dedicated to study of the bilateral Soviet- Czechoslovak relations.


USSR, Czechoslovakia, community, commerce system theme, industry, discredit, socialism, communism, community

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