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Politics and Society

Akhmadullin, V. K. Peculiarities of Composing Academic Programs in Galia Madrassas

Abstract: The article is devoted to peculiarities of composing academic programs, curriculum plans at one of the most famous madrassases in the Ural Region. It describes its internal structure, purposes and academic goals, disciplines and peculiarities of teaching. Much attention is paid at comparison of peculiarities of teaching at Galia with Gusmania, differences between Jadid maddrassas and traditional (Kadimistic) maddrassases, comparison of Jadid and Kadimistic maddrassases. The article contains description of teaching methods and traditions at madrassases.


madrassas, Muslim intelligentsia, academic programs, shakirds, Jadid, new method, Mudaris, imamhatyb, confessional education.

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