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Law and Politics

Krasnova T.V., Kuchinskaya L.A. The practical role of the category of "interest" in the legal relations of parents and children: the material and procedural aspects

Abstract: This work explores the problem of the definition of "interest" by the courts when considering disputes in the sphere of legal relations of parents and children. Special attention is paid to the interpretation of the interests of children when making decisions about the child's place of residence when the parents live apart. The authors examine the importance of identifying children's interests when considering property disputes between the parents, in particular, the issues of increasing the share in the common property of the parent who has the custody of the children. Issues are investigated from the perspective of family law and civil procedural law. A conclusion is made on the necessity of legislative changes. Considering the multidimensional nature of interests, the concept of "interest" is highlighted in the related fields of scientific knowledge: economics, philosophy, psychology. The work demonstrates the advantages of using a modern psychological approach towards understanding of interests as the basis for the formulation of legal definitions.


family law, interests of the parents, interests of the child, interest, parent relationship, parents, child, civil process, judicial discretion, family conflict

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