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Law and Politics

Gorban' D.V. On classification of the convicted, various levels of their correction, and progressive system of execution and serving of the sentence

Abstract: The subject of this research is the three fundamental concepts of the Russian Criminal Penal Law – “classification of convicts”, “progressive system of execution and serving of the sentence”, and “degree of correction of a convict”. The author examines the concept of “classification of convicts”, which lies at the basis of the separate housing of inmates to ensure isolation of various groups of inmates in order to avoid negative influence of the more dangerous criminals upon the less dangerous. The “progressive system” means that the inmates must be divided into several classes, and that based on the progression of their sentence their position must progressively improve. This defines the interconnection between the concepts of “progressive system” and “degree of correction”. Based on the study of the views of various scholars on the current and previous versions of the penal legislation, the author makes proposals for improving the approaches towards the modern progressive system, classification of convicts, and determination of the degree of their correction.


punishment conditions, social adaptation, housing of inmates outside of prison, classification of convicts, progressive system, degree of correction, change of conditions, correction, convict, relapse prevention

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