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Law and Politics

Ivshina I.N. Territorial composition of a federative state: principles of formation and constitutional establishment

Abstract: The subject of this research is the historical legal experience of the formation of the territorial and constituent composition of the federative states of the world and the corresponding complex of constitutional norms established in the text of federal constitutions. The study is conducted on the constitutions of over 50 federative states signed at the time of the creation of federation. This work presents the analysis on the means of constitutional establishment of the constituent composition of a federation, principles of formation of the territory of the subjects of the federation, order of changes to the borders between them, as well as the principles of formation of federal territories and capital districts in the composition of the federation. The author concludes that the lack of normative establishment of the constituent composition of a federation in the text of the federal constitution is a gap that needs to be filled, but not unambiguous conclusion should be made on the absence of federal foundation in the organization of public authority: this will require analysis of the entire complex of the constitutional norms.


state, territory, federalization, federation, constitution, constituent member, Russian Federation, Federal subject, Borders, Legal status

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