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Law and Politics

Tel'nov A.V. State reputation as a category of civil law: concept and meaning

Abstract: The subject of this research is the legal norms that regulate intangible assets, personal intangible rights, as well as the rights of the state as a subject of civil legal relations. The object of this research is public relations associated with such personal intangible right as the state’s right to reputation. The author substantiates the need for protection of the state reputation from defamation and the need for creation of the necessary legal provision for protection of the state’s personal intangible right to reputation. The author also argues that the current categories of civil law cannot cover all possible instances that require protection of state rights. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that based on the current knowledge in the area of civil law the author presents the legal substantiation for introduction into the legislation of the Russian Federation of such category as reputation, which can be applied to state as a subject of civil legal relations.


Defamation, State protection, Protection of intangible rights, Protection of reputation, Public law formation, Personal intangible rights, Intangible assets, State, State reputation, Reputation

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